Saturday, August 20, 2011

Moving and Cleaning

How on earth did I accumulate so much stuff over a one year period?  This past week I packed up my room in Proby House in preparation for my move back to America.  The final result?  Four suitcases and a rucksack filled with lots of stuff and weighing the maximum amount the airline quoted on their website.  I also sent many packages by post (my school books) to the amusement of the postman.  Every day last week I was in early in the morning with more packages to send out.  And trust me on this, I could have packed way more stuff.  In the end though I gave quite a bit to different charities.  I am still trying to figure out how I actually fit everything into my tiny room.  It is truly a mystery!

As I started packing, my room became very eerie with different sounds echoing because the walls and cupboards were bare and the sound was bouncing off everything instead of being absorbed.  My housemates and I cleaned the house from top to bottom, and when we checked out of Proby they said we had the cleanest house in the whole building.  Yea!  Through all the groaning and sweating of packing and cleaning last week I really cannot complain because it was a great workout with all the going up and down stairs, carrying bags of trash to the dumpster, and cleaning this and that.  All in all it was a great week!

Now I am in Curracloe visiting Kate and Kieran who are letting me stay at their house until my parents come next week to visit.  I am so excited about that!  Three more days!!  

Love Always,

P.S. How is the weather by you?  I am totally loving this 50-60 degree weather Ireland is having.  Apparently this is the coolest summer Ireland has had in many years. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Dun Laoghaire Bay 10k

Hi Ya'll!

Another day, another mile, and another medal!  I ran another race a few days ago in Dun Laoghaire along the Dublin Bay and had a fabulous time.  I have to admit though, this was probably one of my hardest races to date.  There were oh so many hills, it was raining, the sun was shining, and the humidity was 100 per cent.  I honestly have no idea how I will survive the heat when I return to the United States.  I am so use to the nice cool, beautiful weather Ireland has to offer I do know if I want heat and humidity ever again.  Oh well, who knows what the future holds.  Anyway, here are a couple photos from my race.

"Before" Photo

Sonja and Amanda "After" Photo