Monday, September 26, 2011

Dingle Marathon - Dingle Town, Ireland

Hi Everyone!!

Sorry for not writing sooner, things really have been crazy here.  On a good note, I completed my first half-marathon earlier this month in Dingle Town, Ireland.  It was one of the most amazing races I have ever run.  The weather was absolutely perfect (45 degrees and NO RAIN!) and the scenery along the route was breathtaking.  Truly!  I was running along cliffs and on roads with cows and sheep.  Where else would there be a race where you have to stop to let the sheep cross the road?  There were runners from all over the world participating in this event and I was thrilled to be running with them.  I completed the half-marathon (13 miles), but there were quite a few runners who completed the whole marathon (26 miles).  I do not know about the other runners, but my legs were so sore after the race.  As I told my parents, the race was fantastic, but my body hated me when it was over.  I gave myself three hours to complete the half-marathon since I had never run this distance before, but to my surprise I completed the race in 2 hours and 28 minutes.  Yea!!  Overall it was a wonderful experience and I cannot wait to run my next race, wherever it might be.

Love Always,

"Before" Photo
Me and my dad!
Me and my mom!
Can you find me?
Yea!  I finished the race and have a medal
and t-shirt to prove it.