Thursday, June 21, 2012

A New Job, a New Home, and a New Life

Dear Family and Friends,

Please do not be angry.  I know it has been many months since I last wrote.  I am not going to make excuses.  All I can say is that I am truly sorry.  On a good note, though, I have wonderful news for you.  I finally have a job!!!

I thought this day would never come, but it has.  Since I last wrote, I have accepted a position with a bank and I am now living in New Orleans, Louisiana.  Who would have thought this is where I would end up?  My resume was sent all around the United Sates, seriously, and I received an offer right here from my home state.  I am very excited about this opportunity and hope you are too!!

I am now living in my very own condo along Lake Pontchatrain and have a view of the water from my balcony.  The best part is that my condo is right in back of a levy.  Every day I can, and do, run/jog on top of the levy looking out over the water.  I am not going to tell you where I live (condominium name) for privacy/security reasons, but I will show you pictures.  I have not met too many of my neighbours, but the ones I have met seem to be very nice and friendly.  Oh!  I also live right down the street from a snowball/snowcone stand and also from a drive-through daiquiri shop!  Only in Louisiana will you find a drive-through daiquiri shop.  I love it here!  There is also a po’boy restaurant right next to the condominium so I had better be careful.  I can just see myself putting on weight from all the fried food here.  I must stay strong and keep working out.  :-)

Anytime y’all want to come visit please let me know.  I would love to show you around!  Especially with this being the home of Mardi Gras!   First come first serve, so please book early.

Hope this blog entry finds you well and I promise to write sooner and not be so lax.  XOXOX

Love Always,

Before Pictures

After Pictures