Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dublin Simon Fun Run 2010

Today I ran a race! It was a five mile race through the beautiful park in Dublin called Phoenix Park. Phoenix Park is 707 hectares (1752 acres) big, and is a historic landscape of international importance. It is also one of the largest designed landscapes in any European city. It was originally established as a Royal deer park in the 17th century. The race I ran today was called the Dublin Simon Fun Run. It was a fundraiser for the Dublin Simon Community. I am proud to say I ran the whole five miles and did not even stop once. I had my earphones on the whole race and simple went on my merry way. I was not racing for any certain time, I only wanted to see if I could actually run the whole race and still be alive afterwards. And I am!! They even gave me a medal at the finish line. I ran the race with two of my friends and we had an absolute blast. We already have other races we plan to attend in the coming weeks. Enjoy the pics!

Love Always,


Michael, Amanda, and Chris

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