Saturday, May 28, 2011


Hi Everyone!

Apologies for not writing sooner.  I guess you can say my university owns me, literally.  As soon as exams were over, I had a few days before summer classes began.  I spent a weekend down in Curracloe, Co. Wexford for a few days where I visited friends and relaxed a small bit.  I do not have any pictures to add to this post, but I will have some for the next entry.

I have been in class all week, including today, Saturday, from 9am to 5pm.  Gladly though, I have next week off. I am flying to Nice, France to visit my sister this Monday and enjoy a few days in the sun.  Like my sister asked when we last talked, "Are you just visiting me for the sun?"  My answer, "yes, yes I am!"  :)   All kidding aside, I honestly cannot wait to see her.  I am hoping we can go to the beach for one afternoon because I am in desperate need of a tan, but if we cannot, just being with her will be wonderful.

When I last spoke to my parents, they said the weather in Louisiana was in the 80's and 90's.  Does anyone even want to guess what the weather is here in Dublin, Ireland?  It is still in the 50's and I am STILL dressing in layers AND I am still as pale as a ghost.  I told my parents I would gladly send them my weather if they can send me theirs.  Any takers?  :-)

Until next week when I can write about visiting Kate in Nice and post pictures, Au revoir.

Love Always,

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Another Video to Keep You Entertained

Hi Everyone!

Here is another video to keep you entertained until my finals are over and I can actually sit down and tell you what has been going on in my life.  Enjoy!

Love Always,


I had my first final exam today of semester two in Strategic Finance.  I was in a huge testing hall with 3,000 other students who were also taking their exam, except they were all in different modules in UCD.  I have never seen so many desks and students in one area.  :-)  The exam was two hours long and I wrote for the entire two hours.  Seriously!!  I filled 3 testing booklets and used half an ink pen.  The exam was essay based and worth 50% of my final grade.  You had better believe I wrote down EVERYTHING I knew about the topics in every question.  There were only 4 questions.  :-)  The only bad thing though, was that I did not have enough time to proof read my work because I was so busy writing the entire time.     :-(   After the exam regulators picked up my booklets with all my answers and signed me out of the exam hall, I saw my professor in the lobby.  He was waiting to collect all the exam booklets from the exam invigilator.  He asked me how the exam went and I told him the truth.  I said the exam was fine except that I wish I had a half hour more to proof read all my answers.  Then I told him to please excuse any grammatical errors he might find in my exam script.  He laughed at that which I believe is a good sign.  So,until next week when all my finals are over, please enjoy the following entertainment of a penguin being tickled. Hehehe!

Love Always,