Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Another Video to Keep You Entertained

Hi Everyone!

Here is another video to keep you entertained until my finals are over and I can actually sit down and tell you what has been going on in my life.  Enjoy!

Love Always,


I had my first final exam today of semester two in Strategic Finance.  I was in a huge testing hall with 3,000 other students who were also taking their exam, except they were all in different modules in UCD.  I have never seen so many desks and students in one area.  :-)  The exam was two hours long and I wrote for the entire two hours.  Seriously!!  I filled 3 testing booklets and used half an ink pen.  The exam was essay based and worth 50% of my final grade.  You had better believe I wrote down EVERYTHING I knew about the topics in every question.  There were only 4 questions.  :-)  The only bad thing though, was that I did not have enough time to proof read my work because I was so busy writing the entire time.     :-(   After the exam regulators picked up my booklets with all my answers and signed me out of the exam hall, I saw my professor in the lobby.  He was waiting to collect all the exam booklets from the exam invigilator.  He asked me how the exam went and I told him the truth.  I said the exam was fine except that I wish I had a half hour more to proof read all my answers.  Then I told him to please excuse any grammatical errors he might find in my exam script.  He laughed at that which I believe is a good sign.  So,until next week when all my finals are over, please enjoy the following entertainment of a penguin being tickled. Hehehe!

Love Always,

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