Friday, December 23, 2011

Irish Dancing

Happy Holidays!  Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year.  The smell of cookies baking in the oven and the decorating of the Christmas tree are just a couple of my favourite and fondest memories of Christmas.  Many of you might or might not know, but I Irish dance as a hobby.  It is something I truly enjoy and I have been taking classes/lessons for many years now.  Last week I was asked to perform with my dance school (Ryan School of Irish Dance) at their annual Christmas performance.  Since returning home from Ireland I have not really practiced my steps or been to class.  In rehearsal though, I was dancing away and learning all the new dances and steps in no time at all.  The performance was just lovely and words cannot describe the emotions I felt while listening and dancing to music that is so much a part of who I am.  Below is a small clip of a few dances I was in.  Enjoy!

Love Always,

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