Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Story of Some Very Dedicated Students

Hi All!

As most of you know, today I had my last exam of the semester. My story does not start here though, oh no, the story I am about to tell you began last night while studying in the library, which closed two hours early thank you very much, due to heavy snowfall. For most people this would not be a problem, but I had an exam today so the library closing early was not good news.

Anyway, back to the story. As a student, I am constantly praying to God asking for help and confidence to do well in my studies. Last night some friends of mine got very creative with a prayer, asking for our exams to be canceled and such. The prayer goes like this....

Our Snow God
Who Art In Snow
Heaven Snowflake Be Thy Name
Let Our Exam Be Undone
In Smurfit As It May Be In Heaven
Give Us This Night
Our Severe Frosts
And Forgive Us For Not Studying
As We Forgive Those
Who Are Not Studying With Us
And Lead Us Not Into Ice
But Deliver Us A Peat Fire At Home
For Thine Is The Severe Cold
The Frost And The Snow
Forever And Ever

Now, you can just imagine all the snow dances we were doing, hoping our exam would be canceled. And yes, we were really dancing. I woke up around 6am this morning to continue my studying for the exam at 3pm. My friends and I were constantly checking the university web page seeing what was happening and looking for exam updates. We got an update all right. Exams were canceled, but only from 6pm tonight onwards. Humph.... Now just imagine, it is snowing so hard I can barely see out my window, yet the university expects me to hike it into the city center for my exam. All exams are held about 15 minutes away by taxi or 20 minutes away by bus at a huge concert hall.

When we realised the exam was still on we decided to call a taxi and have one bring us to the concert hall. But noooooooo, taxis were not running today because the weather was so bad and the roads were in horrible condition. Yet again, let me remind you, the exam was still on!! Then we thought, hmmmmm lets walk it into Blackrock and take the DART (train) to the closest station near the hall and then walk towards the hall. Sounds great doesn't it? We thought so too, until we heard on the news that some of the rail lines were down because the tracks were freezing over. At this point myself and the others just about lost it. How the heck were we supposed to make it to our exam on time, walk? We ended up not walking, thank God. We left our house two hours before the exam and were barely able to catch the train, but we did. And because of the weather conditions, the train had to go super slow.

Now, you might be thinking, at least she caught the train so she must have made it to the exam okay with very little stress. Well my friends, you would be wrong. Remember, the train only took us to the closest station near the exam hall, not right to it. Once off the train, the snow really began to fall. It was already snowing heavily before, but now it was worse. You could not see 20 feet in front of you. And to make matters worse, so much snow had piled up you could not see where the street and sidewalk met even with a curb. We had received that much snow in 24 hours. Once arriving at the exam hall every one of us looked like snowmen. Really? Even thought I had an umbrella, the snow was coming down at such angles I could not avoid it. We looked quite funny. Anyway, we did make it to the exam on time and now all my exams are officially over. Woooooohooooooo! I can finally start celebrating Christmas! I will be on that plane Thursday morning heading towards the United States so please say a few prayers for me that it takes off. I am very excited to be coming home for a few weeks to visit with my family and friends over the holidays.

Love Always,

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