Monday, January 17, 2011

Bog of the Frogs Loop Hike

Hi Everyone!

I have made it back to Dublin, Ireland safely and I am now preparing myself for another semester of study.  I arrived back Saturday morning and then spent the day sleeping and going grocery shopping. Sunday, I must say, was another story.  My friend Victoria and I like to explore the farmer's markets around the Dublin area on Sunday mornings.   This past Sunday we decided to take the DART (train) to Howth, a small fishing village north of Dublin, and explore their market.  Once in Howth we realized there was much more to see then just the markets.  We ventured to Howth Harbour were we saw seals and then found the tourist center where we learned there were trails along the cliffs of the village.  Thank goodness we had our running gear on.  Originally we had planned on running along the harbour, but when we learned there were hikes we could take, our plans changed.  Being the explorers we are though, we did not choose just any hike.  Oh no!  We chose the longest and hardest hike and we had a blast.  The hike we took was named Bog of the Frogs Loop and it took us up mountains, over cliffs, and through bogs.  It was a 10km or 6.2 mile hike that lasted roughly 3 hours.  Since we were still getting over our jet lag we did not even arrive in Howth until after 12pm.  This put us starting the hike around 2:30pm.  By the time the hike was finished it was pitch black outside and we were using the moon to help us find our way, along with the purple arrows pointing in the direction we should walk.  Victoria and I have decided that the next time we decide to go for a hike we will have a survival pack with us which includes a flashlight and snacks.  All in all we had a great afternoon and were able to take some great photos along the way.

Love Always,


Howth Harbour

W.B. Yeats's House

Haha!  I love this one!

Amanda and Victoria

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