Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Week of Semester Two and Traveling

Hi Everyone!

Boy have I been busy! I finished my first week of classes and I am still alive. This semester I am taking Strategic Finance, Empirical Finance, and Corporate Finance. All three classes involve a lot of reading and each class is 50% individual work and 50% final. Needless to say I will be very busy this semester trying to keep up with the work load.

For those of you wondering, yes, I am getting out more this semester. Now that I know how the college system works in Ireland I am trying not stress as much as I did last semester. This past weekend I even went sightseeing to the west of Ireland in Connemara. For all the geologist out there (Hi Dad!) this is definitely a place to see. For all of the photographers out there this is a sight not to miss. Everyone who knows me really well knows how I LOVE to take pictures. This past Saturday I took over 197 pictures... on a five hour tour. My theory is that you can never have enough pictures to capture a moment of beauty. I would rather have way too many pictures with a few duds thrown in then not enough pictures of what I see in Ireland and anywhere else I might travel.

The tour I went on took me to the Galway Bay area and then to Connemara. The highlight of the tour was Kylemore Abbey and the Victorian Walled Gardens. For many many years I have always wanted to visit Kylemore Abbey and the gardens. I have always been teased with pictures and I was finally able to see it in person this weekend. Words cannot describe the beauty surrounding the abbey and gardens. For me, seeing the castle/abbey was like going back in time and the gardens reminded me of the book The Secret Garden. My only regret was that I did not have enough time to really explore the land surrounding the abbey. I will be back though. Since it is January, the flowers were not all in bloom, but when Spring comes I can guarantee everything will look completely different and I will have to take even more pictures.

Since I have so many pictures to show you I have decided to put them in separate blogs. Hope you enjoy them!

Love Always,

P.S. Click on the links below for more information about Connemara and Kylemore Abbey.



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