Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Stressed, Stressed, and Stressed Again!

Hi Everyone!

As some of you might know I am in the mists of final exams. I am also overly stressed! Everything is piling up and all my assignments are coming due. This week alone I have two 30% papers and one presentation all due in a three day period. Ahhhh!

Anyway, while I was taking a study break the other day I came across this cute youtube video. Whenever I need a laugh to help me de-stress I watch this video over, over, and over again. I hope you enjoy it and that it brings a smile to your face.

Love Always,

Friday, April 15, 2011

You Said What?!?!?!

Hello! Hello!

     After being in Ireland for 8 months, I realised there was one blog I always wanted to write, but I never had enough information.  Until now!  In Ireland, as in any foreign country, words and sayings have different meanings than what they do in the United States.  Sooooo......I have decided to compile a list of all the new words and sayings I have learned over the course of these past 8 months.   :)  I hope you enjoy reading my list and have a few laughs in the process.

Love Always,

Irish Word = Meaning = Used in Sentence (when necessary)

1) Craic = gossip/fun = What's the craic?
2) Garda/Gardai = police
3) Knackered = tired or exhausted = I was knackered after a long day of work.
4) rashers = Irish bacon
5) Rubbage = trash
6) Bap = bread roll
7) Pissed = drunk = I was pissed after drinking 7 pints of cider.
8) Fair play to ye = well done = You got the job?  Fair play to ye!
9) Deadly = awesome/very cool  = That band was deadly!
10) Brutal = something really bad = The final exam was brutal!
11) Fierce = to emphasize something = He has a fierce strong accent!
12) Shenanigans = refers to intrigue, trickery
13) Bin = trash can
14) Arse = backside
15) Blarney = nonsense = He is full of blarney.
16) Chips = french fries
17) Grand/Brilliant = great or good = That's grand!
18) Chipper = fish and chips shop
19) Shop = store
20) Da = dad
21) Dummy = pacifier
22) Eejit (pronounced ee-jit) = idiot = He's such an eejit.
23) Fag = cigarette
24) Ye = you
25) Gobshite = idiot
26) Howya = hi
27) Mind yourself = be careful
28) Off-license = liquor store
29) Crisps = potato chips
30) Cinema = movie theatre
31) Wellies = wellington boots (rain boots)
32) Spuds = potatoes
33) Vexed = angry/upset
34) Wee Folk = leprechauns
35) Lift = elevator
36) Asking for a lift = Asking for a ride somewhere = Can I have a lift to the shop?
37) Sickened = shocked = I was sickened when I heard the news.
38) Half seven = 7:30am/pm = My classes begin at half seven every morning.
39) How are ye? = How are you?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring Spring Spring

Hi Ya’ll!

Happy April!! Don’t you just love Spring? It’s my favorite time of year, I have to admit. Everything is in bloom and the sun is shining. Right now in Ireland all the flowers are blooming and the birds are chirping away. I actually saw two magpies yesterday and someone told me that when you see two together it means “joy.” I will take that any day!

We had the time change last weekend and I can honestly say I never thought I would be so happy to see a time change. Seriously!!  It does not get dark until 8:30pm now.  I am soooooo happy! Plus it means I can study for longer during the day and go for my runs later in the evening. I took a small break today from studying to take some pictures from around my campus. Enjoy!

Love Always,