Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring Spring Spring

Hi Ya’ll!

Happy April!! Don’t you just love Spring? It’s my favorite time of year, I have to admit. Everything is in bloom and the sun is shining. Right now in Ireland all the flowers are blooming and the birds are chirping away. I actually saw two magpies yesterday and someone told me that when you see two together it means “joy.” I will take that any day!

We had the time change last weekend and I can honestly say I never thought I would be so happy to see a time change. Seriously!!  It does not get dark until 8:30pm now.  I am soooooo happy! Plus it means I can study for longer during the day and go for my runs later in the evening. I took a small break today from studying to take some pictures from around my campus. Enjoy!

Love Always,

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