Thursday, July 19, 2012

25th Annual Spillway Classic

Hello! Hello!

As promised, here are the pictures from the race!  According to,  "This three mile course is run through the woods of the Bonnet Carre Spillway and is one of the oldest trail runs in the country.  The three mile course begins on the roadway leading to the Boat Launch Pavilion and quickly ascends the Lower Guide Levee. The first mile is atop the gravel levee-top road. The course then descends the levee through "The Gauntlet" where you will typically encounter the deepest water and muddiest footing. The remaining two miles wind through trails."

We Finished!  And we even received a medal!!

Kate's shoes and my socks were pristine white before the race.  After many washes, my socks are still only grey.  They will never be white again.  Oh well, it was worth it.

At the end of the race, firemen were spraying people down with water trying to remove all the mud.

This picture was taken from  This is to show you exactly how muddy it was.

Love Always,

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