Wednesday, July 18, 2012

First Week of Work and Such

Hello My Dear Family And Friends,

Well, I survived my first week and a half of work.  Barely!  I have truly been tested.  Last Monday morning I arrived at work for 8am, bright eyed and bushy tailed.  I had an accounting exam at 8:30am which I am happy to say I passed.  Very excited!  Then I spent the rest of the day and week learning the computer systems.  I am still learning, but now everything is finally starting to make sense.  Thank God!

Guess what!  There is a hotel attached to the building where I work, and on the bottom floor below the hotel is a PUB!!  Pretty cool, huh?  I am still learning my way around the city and am having a great time navigating.  I have made many wrong turns and have had many scary moments hoping I was in the right lane when merging onto the interstate.  It has been so much fun!!

Kate came over this past weekend and on Sunday morning we ran in the 25th Annual Spillway Classic in Norco, Louisiana.  The race took us through the woods and into a mud pit.  That’s right, a mud pit!  Kate and I had to wade/run through mud that was up to our thighs.  Honestly, Kate and I had a wonderful time and I hope we run in another race soon along with Will.  More information and pictures from the race will be in my next posting.
Love Always,

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