Monday, June 6, 2011

Flora Mini Marathon - 10k

Hello Hello!

Today I ran in the Flora Mini Marathon in Dublin, Ireland.  It is an all women's race and is the largest in the world with over 40,000 women participating yearly.  Men are not allowed to run.....unless....they dress up as women.  Boy did I see some sights today!  :-)  The greatest thing about this race is that it was all for charity.  I lost count of the number of charities represented, there were just so many.  The race is always held on the June Bank holiday, which is today, and the route takes the runners/walkers throughout Dublin's city centre.

My "before" picture!

The race started at 3:00pm in the city centre of Dublin.  There were four categories, elite runners and runners, fast joggers, slow joggers, and walkers.  Since I had participated in a previous 10k race and had a good time, I was able to run in the runner category.  Now, you may not think this is a big deal, but it really is.  Once I arrived in the city centre, I was directed to a certain area.  Every category was kept separate from the other categories.  This was to avoid injury at the starting line.  Runners were at the very front.     :-)  The atmosphere was amazing with music blasting and so many people around.  At every kilometer of the race there was a live band performing and the streets of the city were lined with people cheering you on.  The best part was the 7 km mark.  It was right in front of a fire department and the firemen were spraying the runners with the fire hoses.  Then there were the men dressed as women.  I saw men in dresses, tights, and even wigs.  They were having so much fun too!

My "after" picture!

Sonja, Andrea, and Amanda

Overall, today was a lovely day. It did not rain and was only overcast which is perfect running weather.  Now I am just plain tired and will most likely go to bed early.  I am dreading tomorrow morning when I have to get up out of bed for class.  I know my muscles will be sore.  That's okay though, it was worth it!  Plus I received a medal at the end!

Love Always,

My medal!

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