Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Sunny Holiday in Southern France (Nice, France)


Comment allez-vous?  I returned from Nice, France a few days ago and oh what a time I had.  Sunshine, chocolate, and bread are only a few things I experienced over a lovely four days of relaxation.

I left Monday morning to visit my sister, Kate, who is studying French in Nice, France.  I flew Aer Lingus (Irish airline) and departed Dublin at 11:00am.  I slept through the first part of the flight because I had been up late the night before packing.  Upon waking there was a flight attendant asking if I would like anything to drink.  I kindly asked for a glass of sprite, and after putting it down on my tray she told me it would be 2euro.  Two euro!! For a can of sprite!  That's $2.80 American dollars!  I had no idea drinks even costs anything on the flight.  It was a huge eye opener and it was not even noon.  Oh happy day!

Once we landed in Nice I had to go through customs.  Now, I guess I do not look terrifying because they waved me on through.  For those of you who know me, you know I am NOT an ordinary traveller.  So I waved right back and then proceeded to politely ask for a stamp in my passport.  The gentleman who had my passport looked up at me and I just smiled (dimples showing of course).  He smiled back, looked at my name on my passport, and then said "Of course you can Amanda" in English with a French accent  Yes!.....another stamp on my passport! Works every time!

Nice Harbour
Yachts in the harbour

Can you guess which yacht is mine?   :-)
Then came the taxi ride, oops, sorry, taxi lift. That is one thing I have learned in Ireland.  Never ask for a ride.  You ask for a lift.  I would explain this statement in more detail but I do not know who is reading this blog and I would not want to offend someone.  Especially if they are of a young age.  All I can say is "Google it."  Anyway, I took a taxi to my hotel, a mere 15 minutes away and the taxi driver charged me 35 euro.  Talk about another eye opener!  I met Kate after her classes had ended for the day and we went sightseeing a bit before going back to the apartment where she is living in Nice.  We decided to cook for her host family and made Jambalaya.  Mmmmmmm......was it good!  Surprisingly enough, the family liked it also.  They had seconds and thirds.  See, nothing beats good Cajun  food!  Her host family is very nice and they speak about as much English as I speak French.  It was great!!  Kate is even finding out what it is like to have a little sister.  The family has three children.  The oldest son does not live with them, but they have a son who is 16 and living at home, and a four year old little girl named Jade who is full of energy and loves life.

The view from Kate's room in the apartment where she is living.
That's the sea in the background.
While Kate was in class everyday, I spent the mornings sightseeing and souvenir shopping.  It was great fun, especially the antique markets.  After her classes each day, we bought lunch and ate chocolate eclairs for dessert while sitting on the steps of a local cathedral .  Let's just say I will be doing lots of running/walking to work off all the chocolate and bread I ate over those four days.  :-)   It was sooooo worth it though!

Nice City Centre
Nice City Centre

A view overlooking the ocean

I am back now from my small holiday and am once again in class and in the study rooms.  Oh, and I almost forgot!  I received my grades from last semester.  I passed!!  I can officially say I am two-thirds the way through my masters degree in finance.  The whole program ends July 29th so I am counting down the days.  54 days left to be exact.

From the cold weather in Ireland to the warm/hot weather in Louisiana, I say "Au revoir!"

Love Always,
The library

Notre Dame Cathedral at night.
This was right outside my hotel.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Amanda! Glad you got to have a break & visit with Kate!
