Sunday, August 29, 2010

Recipe for Scones!

This weekend I made scones!  And they turned out great!! Kate's mom gave me her recipe for Wholemeal and Bran Scones.  As you can see, these are somewhat healthy and after trying one you will want to go back for seconds.  I know I did!  :)   The recipe I am about to give you is in ounces and pints because that is what all the cookbooks have listed in Ireland. The only advice I can give you is to use a measuring scale, that is what I used and everything turned out wonderful.  Also, 1 pint is 20oz so a 1/2 pint is 10oz.

Recipe for wholemeal & Bran Scones

10oz Wholemeal Flour
2oz Bran
4oz Plain Flour
1 (heaping)Teaspoon Bread Soda.  This is also known as baking soda.
1 Pinch of Salt
1oz Sugar
2oz butter (Not Melted)
5oz Natural Yogurt
1 egg
1/2 pint milk (You can add up to a 1/2 pint, you might need less so only add a little at a time.

1) Mix wholemeal, bran, flour, bread soda, and salt together.
2) Rub in butter to the dry mix (The mix will now look like bread crumbs)
3) Mix yogurt and egg together
4) Mix the dry ingredients together with the yogurt and egg
5) Start adding the milk until you have a dough like mixture
6) After you have your dough, roll it out until it is around an inch high and then take cookie cutters and cut out the dough.  I used a circle cutter since that is the shape of a scone, but you can use any shape you like.  You will need flour to keep the dough from sticking to everything (counter & hands), so make sure you have enough on hand.
7) Bake for around 10-12 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.  This is just an estimate because I had to convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. The scones might be in the over for a longer or shorter time period then I have listed.
8) On your scone you can put butter, jelly, or whatever other topping you enjoy.

ENJOY!  And if you have any questions you can e-mail me at

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Glendalough, Co. Wicklow, Ireland

The Round Tower
It's Me!
The Round Tower
Celtic Cross and Round Tower
The Round Tower
The Round Tower and Cemetery
The Round Tower


More Scenery

Busy Busy Busy

Hello hello everyone!!  Boy have I been busy!  Really!  These past couple of days I have been touring around eastern Ireland, mainly Co.Wexford and Co.Wicklow.  Yesterday we took a walk down "Sandy Lane", a small sandy road near Kate's house and saw the most beautiful sights.  We even went exploring and found this small lake hidden behind masses of trees and bushes.  It was the perfect spot to lay out and read a book because it was hidden so well.  Today we spent the morning in Dublin shopping before heading back down south to Glendalough.  Glendalough, also known as the Glen of Two Lakes, is located in Co. Wicklow, Ireland.  It is well known for its early medieval monastic settlement founded by St. Kevin in the 6th century.  The only words for this are WOW!  I hope to return soon because I was not able to see everything, only the ruins of the monastery.  There are so many hiking/walking trails that take you all over the land and you can pick which hike/walk to do because each hike/walk is listed by length and difficulty.  Hikes/walks can last anywhere from one hour to three or four hours.  A person needs about a day or two to see all of Glendalough.  There are bed and breakfasts are around the area along with hostels and a hotel located right on the grounds.  As you can probably guess, I have taken loads more photos.  I will put the photos up from "Sandy Lane" here on this blog and then the photos from Glendalough in a new blog right after.  Enjoy!

Love Always,

That's Me!
Rolling hills along "Sandy Lane"
More Sheep!
Bales of hay!
"Sandy Lane"
I love sheep!

Me again!
The hidden lake!
A visible lake out in Wexford.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lovely Lovely Weather

Good morning from Ireland!  I am happy to say I have made it safely to Ireland as you can tell from the beginning of this post.  The weather is lovely, 65 degrees at last check, and there is NO humidity.  My hair is loving it!!   I am staying with a friend of mine, Kate, at her house in Wexford until I can move into my place on campus in September.  And get this, it is only a five minute drive from the Irish Sea.  Looking out her back windows you can see the sea and all the countryside surrounding it.  We went walking along the sea yesterday and I can honestly say the water is freezing, but beautiful.  I am having a great time so far with barely any jet lag.  We have many things planned for the next couple of weeks and of course I have my camera all ready to snap pictures.

Love Always,

That's me, Amanda!

The Irish Sea
My Shadow!
The Irish Sea
Me in front of the Irish Sea
A view of Wexford Town
Kate's House

A view of the Irish Sea from Kate's back window

Thursday, August 19, 2010

On My Way To Ireland

Well, one plane down and one to go!  I am in Atlanta, Georgia right now waiting....and waiting....and waiting for my next flight.   :)  Things are going well though, I only have 6 more hours until my plane to Ireland takes off.

I am happy to say that after much pushing, shoving, and yelling at my suitcases, I have everything packed.  I decided to pack two suitcases and a rucksack to travel instead of just the two suitcases.  What can I say, I am a girl!  After packing my clothes, I realized I also had to have shoes to match along with other accessories.  Each bag could only weigh 50 pounds and I used every pound available.

Talk to you soon from Ireland!

Love Always,

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Beach Pictures!

Smith Family Vacation
Orange Beach 2010


The Countdown Has Truely Begun!

The countdown has truely begun. I leave for Ireland on August 19th, that’s five days away. Can you believe it? I am finding that the closer the day comes, the more anxious I get. There is still so much left to do before I leave and the minutes are quickly ticking away. I have everything in a pile that I want to pack and am trying to figure out how it will all fit into two suitcases. I shall make it fit though!  Also, for those of you wondering about my room, I am still in the process of cleaning it.  I have to say though, it is looking quite nice.  :)

I am at the beach right now with my family taking one last family vacation before we all split up and go our separate ways. Will leaves for LSU the same day I leave for Ireland, and Kate leaves for Millsaps two days later. Tonight we are taking family pictures so things should get quite interesting in the hours to come. I will be sure to post the pictures later!

Well, that’s all for now!  Talk soon!

Love Always,