Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Countdown Has Truely Begun!

The countdown has truely begun. I leave for Ireland on August 19th, that’s five days away. Can you believe it? I am finding that the closer the day comes, the more anxious I get. There is still so much left to do before I leave and the minutes are quickly ticking away. I have everything in a pile that I want to pack and am trying to figure out how it will all fit into two suitcases. I shall make it fit though!  Also, for those of you wondering about my room, I am still in the process of cleaning it.  I have to say though, it is looking quite nice.  :)

I am at the beach right now with my family taking one last family vacation before we all split up and go our separate ways. Will leaves for LSU the same day I leave for Ireland, and Kate leaves for Millsaps two days later. Tonight we are taking family pictures so things should get quite interesting in the hours to come. I will be sure to post the pictures later!

Well, that’s all for now!  Talk soon!

Love Always,

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