Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Hello hello everyone!!  Boy have I been busy!  Really!  These past couple of days I have been touring around eastern Ireland, mainly Co.Wexford and Co.Wicklow.  Yesterday we took a walk down "Sandy Lane", a small sandy road near Kate's house and saw the most beautiful sights.  We even went exploring and found this small lake hidden behind masses of trees and bushes.  It was the perfect spot to lay out and read a book because it was hidden so well.  Today we spent the morning in Dublin shopping before heading back down south to Glendalough.  Glendalough, also known as the Glen of Two Lakes, is located in Co. Wicklow, Ireland.  It is well known for its early medieval monastic settlement founded by St. Kevin in the 6th century.  The only words for this are WOW!  I hope to return soon because I was not able to see everything, only the ruins of the monastery.  There are so many hiking/walking trails that take you all over the land and you can pick which hike/walk to do because each hike/walk is listed by length and difficulty.  Hikes/walks can last anywhere from one hour to three or four hours.  A person needs about a day or two to see all of Glendalough.  There are bed and breakfasts are around the area along with hostels and a hotel located right on the grounds.  As you can probably guess, I have taken loads more photos.  I will put the photos up from "Sandy Lane" here on this blog and then the photos from Glendalough in a new blog right after.  Enjoy!

Love Always,

That's Me!
Rolling hills along "Sandy Lane"
More Sheep!
Bales of hay!
"Sandy Lane"
I love sheep!

Me again!
The hidden lake!
A visible lake out in Wexford.

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