Sunday, August 29, 2010

Recipe for Scones!

This weekend I made scones!  And they turned out great!! Kate's mom gave me her recipe for Wholemeal and Bran Scones.  As you can see, these are somewhat healthy and after trying one you will want to go back for seconds.  I know I did!  :)   The recipe I am about to give you is in ounces and pints because that is what all the cookbooks have listed in Ireland. The only advice I can give you is to use a measuring scale, that is what I used and everything turned out wonderful.  Also, 1 pint is 20oz so a 1/2 pint is 10oz.

Recipe for wholemeal & Bran Scones

10oz Wholemeal Flour
2oz Bran
4oz Plain Flour
1 (heaping)Teaspoon Bread Soda.  This is also known as baking soda.
1 Pinch of Salt
1oz Sugar
2oz butter (Not Melted)
5oz Natural Yogurt
1 egg
1/2 pint milk (You can add up to a 1/2 pint, you might need less so only add a little at a time.

1) Mix wholemeal, bran, flour, bread soda, and salt together.
2) Rub in butter to the dry mix (The mix will now look like bread crumbs)
3) Mix yogurt and egg together
4) Mix the dry ingredients together with the yogurt and egg
5) Start adding the milk until you have a dough like mixture
6) After you have your dough, roll it out until it is around an inch high and then take cookie cutters and cut out the dough.  I used a circle cutter since that is the shape of a scone, but you can use any shape you like.  You will need flour to keep the dough from sticking to everything (counter & hands), so make sure you have enough on hand.
7) Bake for around 10-12 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.  This is just an estimate because I had to convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. The scones might be in the over for a longer or shorter time period then I have listed.
8) On your scone you can put butter, jelly, or whatever other topping you enjoy.

ENJOY!  And if you have any questions you can e-mail me at

1 comment:

  1. Amanda - the recipe for scones sounds delicious. I will try them at home and let you know how they turn out! You are awesome!
