Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Alicante, Spain - Spring Break 2011

Hi everyone!

Well, I have made it back from Alicante, Spain and I feel sooooooo relaxed.  Sort of.  Are we ever truely relaxed at any one point in time? We all had a great holiday even though the weather was very temperamental. It would be sunny one day and cloudy the next. The temperature was in the 50’s the whole time, but that did not stop us from wearing our summer dresses, skirts, and shorts. Heck, for us that was warm! Right now in Ireland it is around 40 degrees every day. Anyway….I actually got a tan! Yea! So excited! I am hoping it will last the whole summer, but I am not holding my breath.

I cannot believe how fast this past week flew by. To stay occupied we did everything from water gun fights to dress-up in costume evenings to barbequing hamburgers. You have no idea how much I miss real barbeque! We had a grill in the backyard, and we put it to good use every evening. I can honestly say it was pure heaven.

I am now back in school and busier then ever. Finals are in seven weeks, but it feels more like three. I am very excited though because Thursday is St. Patrick’s Day and a national holiday. Yea! A day of rest……..sort of.  :)  There are parades all day and events happening all evening. It’s a shame Friday cannot be a holiday also because I believe many people will need the extra day off. Hehe! Anyway, that’s all for now. I will be sure to take plenty of pictures on Thursday so be sure to check back.

Love Always,

The gang!  This was the "before the water gun
fight" photo.

Where we stayed for the week.
Self photo

The beach near our house
One of the many jellyfish that were all
over the beach. 
Me and my cowgirl hat.
Some orange groves near our house

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