Saturday, March 5, 2011

How I Relax.....

Hello Friends and Family!

I hope this blog finds you well. Over the past few weeks, my classes have been in full gear with assignments coming due and a bucket load of readings to complete each week. I am not getting stressed out though (yeah right!). No really, I am trying to take everything in stride and when I feel myself becoming overwhelmed with the workload I simply change my clothes and go for a run. Lately I have been running down to a small seaside town called Dun Laoghaire. Wait for it……..and guess what?!! The path I take is along the Dublin Bay or the Irish Sea. It is about a 3 to 4 mile run all along the Irish coast. It is so relaxing to watch out as I run that time simply stands still and I could run for hours and not feel tired. Once I arrive in Dun Laoghaire I usually walk down to the harbor and look out at even more amazing views of the town and surrounding landscape.

Almost every Sunday morning I travel to Dun Laoghaire to buy my produce and vegetables from the local farmer’s market in the town park.  There are many stands selling local foods (bread, cheese, candy) and local homemade crafts.  I cannot wait for the weather to turn warmer so I can bring my picnic blanket to lay out on and read while taking in some rays.

Love Always,

1 comment:

  1. I may be pronouncing it wrong in my head... but isn't dun laoghaire used in a movie???? it seems too familiar to me... maybe in "p.s. i love you"
    Regardless, It's beautiful. & u've got the fresh markets too (yours looks better than mine! not-so-foreign items in those baskets)
    Where are those ball pics!!!!!??????
