Tuesday, September 7, 2010

An Experience

     What is the best thing about Ireland?  The rain of course!!  The past two weeks have been beautiful.  There has been no rain, hail, or even cloudy skies.  And what happens when I move to Dublin?  It rains!  This morning when I woke up the skies were lovely, but I was not fooled.  The weatherman said cloudy skies for today, but I knew he meant rain so I brought my umbrella to go shopping for accessories for my room.  The bus stop is about a 10 minute walk from campus so I caught the bus and headed into Dublin.  I was able to find bathroom towels and different odds and ends to make the room look a bit better.   Now that the bathroom has color it looks so much better. 
     I never thought I would be so happy to find hangers in a store.  Don't get me wrong, I have have plenty of storage for my clothes.  I just have quite a few shirts that must get hung up or they will rumple.  And I cannot be wearing rumply shirts now can I?  So after a wonderful morning of shopping, what happens?  It rains!  Oh,  and it gets so much better!!  At first it was just a light rain, but as soon as I got off the bus to walk back to campus it started to pour.  Now let me ask you, is it possible to carry two big bags plus an umbrella?  You bet it is!  Especially when one bag rips and everything falls out (all the bags are paper) and you are left in the rain holding one bag in one hand and an umbrella in the other.  So I did the only thing possible, I laughed.  :)  I kept on laughing too, know why?  When I was less than 400 yards from my housing, the rain just stopped.  That's it!  It just stopped and the sun came out.  So after drying off and relaxing a bit I decided to go shopping again, this time for food.  I found almost everything I needed, but it was hard because there is no oven in my house.  It is very difficult to find recipes where you do not need an oven.  Especially with all the baking I do! 
     Now I am back in my room, totally and physically exhausted.  After catching so many buses, walking in the rain, and trying to navigate crosswalks today I will sooooooo sleep good tonight.  Tomorrow is the start of orientation for my program.  I cannot wait to see where everyone is from!!

Love Always,

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