Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Only American and The "Onion" Story

Yes my friends and family, I am the only American in my finance programme of over 100 students.  In the past years the finance programme was only about 60 students big.  With the economy down though they have opened it up to more students.  Today was orientation and part of the orientation was attending a Cultural Diversity lecture.  We had to stand up and introduce ourselves and then say where we were from.  Over 30 percent of the students at UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School are international students and I am very proud to be representing America in the Finance Programme.  Since there are so many cultures represented in the programme we had to attend a lecture on diversity.  This is where the "onion" comes into my blog.  According to the lecturer we are all onions and have many layers that must be peeled back to get to our core.  I instantly thought of the movie "Shrek" and had to smile.  The lecturer was right though, each culture is different and we need to understand each person/culture in order to work with each other for group projects.  I am also the only American in my house at Proby Residences.  In our house there are 2 Canadians (boy and girl), an Irishman, a Frenchman, a girl from Germany, and then there is me.  Do you have any idea how many holidays we are going to celebrate with all these countries represented?  Too many to count!!  This year is going to be so exciting!!

Love Always,

P.S. You will be so proud of me.  I killed a  BIG spider (not a daddy longlegs) in my room this evening.  Granted, I threw a shoe at it because I was getting nowhere near the thing, but I did it.  :)   And I know there is a saying about if you kill a spider it will rain.  I am in Ireland, it rains here almost all the time.  I do not think me killing one spider will make that big a difference.  I will tell you this though, any spider I see in my room is a dead spider.  I do not care how harmless the little critter might be.  :)    :)

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