Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Immigration and Fire Alarms

     I have been very busy with preparing for school.  I have already started studying for my classes and lectures have not even begun yet.  How crazy is that!! Last Friday I went to immigration in Dublin so that I could obtain a study visa.  After waiting in line for 3 1/2 hours my passport was finally stamped and my picture taken.  The reason I am telling you this information is so that you can experience it with me.  When they first swiped my passport all my information came up on their system.  The first question the officer asked me was if I was married.  I kindly told him no, that I was a student.  Then he asked me if I was a solicitor (attorney).  Again I told him no, that I was a student studying for my master's in finance.  Now, people who know me know I love to ask questions.  So I started to ask questions.  I asked the officer if he could please tell me what information the computer system was giving him about me.  Apparently, they had me down as being married, but abandoned, and a solicitor.  How is that for a shocker?  Not to worry though, everything is cleared up and I am back to being a student once again.  Talk about a perfect way to end a week.
     This morning around 4:30am I was awoke to a VERY LOUD fire alarm. I actually thought I was dreaming at first.  I quickly put on my robe and stumbled out of my room into the hallway where all my other housemates were gathering.  Many of us were half dressed and a bit disoriented.  The fire alarm was going off in our house, but then it spread to the whole entire building.  We were debating what to do (leave or not) when the alarm went off. I have heard a few fire alarms in my lifetime, but this one topped them all.  This alarm could wake the dead!!  When the alarm went off there were a few curse words and some sighing coming from our house.  Then, as we were going back into our rooms, someone came banging on our door asking if anyone was hurt or if there was a fire.  We then realized it was a false alarm and also that the alarm had started in our house before triggering the whole building.  This morning I went down to the front desk to ask what could have tripped the alarm and they said it could have been anything from a spider to dust.  Maybe this was payback for killing the spider few days ago.  Who knows!

Love Always,

1 comment:

  1. hmmm... i just applied for my passport. I put student when it asked for occupation... but i'm going to be teaching actually (to save up to go back to school) ... hopefully i don't have trouble. Thanks for sharing.
